





;;; tabbar+.el --- Tabbar extensions
;; Copyright (C) 2012
;; Author:
;; Keywords:
;; Version 0.2.2
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'tabbar)
(require 'dash)
(defun resently-used-buffer ()
(other-buffer (current-buffer) 1))
(defun tabbar+sort-tab ()
"Sort current tab group lexicographically"
(let* ((ctabset (tabbar-current-tabset 't))
(ctabs (tabbar-tabs ctabset)))
(if (and ctabset ctabs)
(set ctabset (sort ctabs (lambda (b1 b2)
(string-lessp (buffer-name (car b1))
(buffer-name (car b2))))))
(put ctabset 'template nil)
;; Derived from http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tequilasunset/20110103/p1
(defvar tabbar+displayed-buffers
'("*slime-repl clojure*"
"*Reagexps matches buffer names always included tabs.")
(defun tabbar+buffer-list-function ()
(let* ((hides (list ?\ ?\*))
(re (regexp-opt tabbar+displayed-buffers))
(cur-buf (current-buffer))
(tabs (delq nil
(mapcar (lambda (buf)
(let ((name (buffer-name buf)))
(when (and (not (string-match "*howm:.**" name))
(or (string-match re name)
(not (memq (aref name 0) hides))))
(if (memq cur-buf tabs)
(cons cur-buf tabs))))
(defun tabbar+buffer-help-on-tab (tab)
"Return the help string shown when mouse is onto TAB."
(if tabbar--buffer-show-groups
(let* ((tabset (tabbar-tab-tabset tab))
(tab (tabbar-selected-tab tabset)))
(format "mouse-1: switch to buffer %S in group [%s]"
(buffer-name (tabbar-tab-value tab)) tabset))
(format "\
mouse-1: switch to buffer %S\n\
mouse-2: kill this buffer\n\
mouse-3: delete other windows"
(buffer-name (tabbar-tab-value tab)))))
(defun tabbar+buffer-select-tab (event tab)
"On mouse EVENT, select TAB."
(let ((mouse-button (event-basic-type event))
(buffer (tabbar-tab-value tab)))
((eq mouse-button 'mouse-2)
(with-current-buffer buffer
((eq mouse-button 'mouse-3)
(switch-to-buffer buffer)))
;; Don't show groups.
(tabbar-buffer-show-groups nil)))
(setq tabbar-help-on-tab-function 'tabbar+buffer-help-on-tab)
(setq tabbar-select-tab-function 'tabbar+buffer-select-tab)
(setq tabbar-buffer-list-function 'tabbar+buffer-list-function)
;; Tab Group
(defconst tabbar+default-group-name "Default")
(defvar tabbar+group nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'tabbar+group)
(defun tabbar+init-group ()
(--map (with-current-buffer it
(setq tabbar+group tabbar+default-group-name))
(defun tabbar+get-group (buff)
"Return BUFF's tab group."
(with-current-buffer buff
(defun tabbar+get-all-group-name ()
"Return tab group name list."
(->> (buffer-list)
(-map 'tabbar+get-group)
;; Tabbar grouping function
(defvar tabbar+const-group-list
(--map (cons it tabbar+default-group-name)
(defun tabbar+buffer-groups-function ()
"Return current buffer's group name."
(if (not tabbar+group)
(setq tabbar+group (or (assoc-default (buffer-name) tabbar+const-group-list)
(tabbar+get-group (resently-used-buffer)))))
(list tabbar+group))
;; Group commands
(defun tabbar+change-group (name)
"Change current buffer's group."
(list (completing-read "Tab group: " (tabbar+get-all-group-name))))
(setq tabbar+group name)
(defun tabbar+switch-group (name)
"Change current group."
(list (completing-read "Tab group: " (tabbar+get-all-group-name))))
(switch-to-buffer (--first (string= name (tabbar+get-group it)) (buffer-list))))
(defun tabbar+rename-group (new-name)
(list (completing-read "Rename tab group: " (tabbar+get-all-group-name))))
(let ((old-name tabbar+group))
(->> (buffer-list)
(--filter (string= old-name (tabbar+get-group it)))
(--map (with-current-buffer it
(setq tabbar+group new-name))))))
;; Tab Position
(defun tabbar+get-current-buffer-index ()
(let* ((ctabset (tabbar-current-tabset 't))
(ctabs (tabbar-tabs ctabset))
(ctab (tabbar-selected-tab ctabset)))
(length (--take-while (not (eq it ctab)) ctabs))))
(defun insert- (list-object index element)
(append (-take index list-object) (list element) (-drop index list-object)))
(defun tabbar+move (direction)
"Move current tab to (+ index DIRECTION)"
(let* ((ctabset (tabbar-current-tabset 't))
(ctabs (tabbar-tabs ctabset))
(ctab (tabbar-selected-tab ctabset))
(index (tabbar+get-current-buffer-index))
(others (--remove (eq it ctab) ctabs))
(ins (mod (+ index direction (+ 1 (length others))) (+ 1 (length others)))))
(set ctabset (insert- others ins ctab))
(put ctabset 'template nil)
(defun tabbar+move-right ()
"Move current tab to right"
(tabbar+move +1))
(defun tabbar+move-left ()
"Move current tab to left"
(tabbar+move -1))
;; Kill Buffer or Group
(defun tabbar+remove-right ()
"Remove right side buffers"
(let* ((ctabset (tabbar-current-tabset 't))
(ctabs (tabbar-tabs ctabset))
(ctab (tabbar-selected-tab ctabset)))
(--map (kill-buffer (car it)) (cdr (--drop-while (not (eq ctab it)) ctabs)))))
(defun tabbar+remove-left ()
"Remove left side buffers"
(let* ((ctabset (tabbar-current-tabset 't))
(ctabs (tabbar-tabs ctabset))
(ctab (tabbar-selected-tab ctabset)))
(--map (kill-buffer (car it)) (--take-while (not (eq ctab it)) ctabs))))
(defun tabbar+kill-group (group)
"Kill all buffers belonging to GROUP."
(list (completing-read "Tab Group: " (tabbar+get-all-group-name))))
(->> (buffer-list)
(--filter (string= group (tabbar+get-group it)))
(-map 'kill-buffer)))
(defvar tabbar+group-mode nil)
(defun tabbar+enable-tab-group ()
(unless tabbar+group-mode
(add-to-list 'default-mode-line-format
(concat " [" (format "%s" (tabbar-current-tabset t)) "]")))
(setq tabbar-buffer-groups-function 'tabbar+buffer-groups-function)
(setq tabbar+group-mode +1)))
(defun tabbar+disable-tab-group ()
(setq tabbar-buffer-groups-function '(lambda () (list tabbar+default-group-name)))
(setq tabbar+group-mode 0))
;; Helm interface
;; key: "[Group] Buffer"
;; value: #<buffer Buffer>
(defvar tabbar+helm-candidates-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
"Hold group name of each tabs")
(defvar helm-c-source-tabbar+group)
(defun tabbar+add-group-name-prefix (buff)
(let ((cand (concat "[" (tabbar+get-group buff) "] " (buffer-name buff))))
(puthash cand buff tabbar+helm-candidates-hash)
(defun tabbar+helm-buffer-catdidates ()
(->> (cdr (buffer-list)) ; first element is helm buffer
(--filter (not (string= " " (substring (buffer-name it) 0 1))))
(-map 'tabbar+add-group-name-prefix)))
(defun tabbar+helm-action (action command? selected)
(let ((buff (gethash selected tabbar+helm-candidates-hash)))
(with-current-buffer buff
(if (and command? (commandp action))
(command-execute action)
(funcall action buff)))))
(defvar helm-c-source-tabbar+buffers-list
`((name . "Tabbar+Buffer")
(candidates . tabbar+helm-buffer-catdidates)
(action ("Switch to buffer" . ,(-partial 'tabbar+helm-action 'switch-to-buffer nil))
("Change group" . ,(-partial 'tabbar+helm-action 'tabbar+change-group t))
("Kill buffer" . ,(-partial 'tabbar+helm-action 'kill-buffer nil))
("Kill right side" . ,(-partial 'tabbar+helm-action 'tabbar+remove-right t))
("Kill left side" . ,(-partial 'tabbar+helm-action 'tabbar+remove-left t))
;;("Rename its group" . ,(-partial 'tabbar+helm-action 'tabbar+rename-group t)))))
(defun tabbar+helm-rename-group (selected)
(->> (buffer-list)
(--first (string= selected (tabbar+get-group it)))
((lambda (buff)
(with-current-buffer buff
(command-execute 'tabbar+rename-group))))))
(defvar helm-c-source-tab-groups-list
`((name . "Tabbar Group")
(candidates . tabbar+get-all-group-name)
(action ("Switch group" . tabbar+switch-group)
("Change group" . tabbar+change-group)
("Kill group" . tabbar+kill-group)
("Rename group" . tabbar+helm-rename-group))))
(provide 'tabbar+)
;;; tabbar+.el ends here
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